Plaintiff Daily Sheet

Team Code: YNL

Opening Statement:Cole Hazeltine
Tori Damon:Aaron Price
Direct Examination of Tori Damon:Jolee Ecklund
Tori Damon will be called will be called:First
DJ Hatchet:Bri O'Dea
Direct Examination of DJ Hatchet:Bethany Phillis
DJ Hatchet will be called will be called:Third
Dr. Lindsey Rogers:Isabelle Penuelas
Direct Examination of Dr. Lindsey Rogers:Cole Hazeltine
Dr. Lindsey Rogers will be called will be called:Second
Cross Examination of Izzy Cameron:Bethany Phillis
Cross Examination of Devin Cody:Jolee Ecklund
Cross Examination of Chris Tempesto:Cole Hazeltine
Closing Argument:Jolee Ecklund
Timekeeper:Raydin Buchanan
Courtroom Artist:None
Nonparticipating Team Members:
Alex Kirkham